Section Titles

Remove the HTML tag and either center or left justify the title

Question location

Move the questions so that they are above the responses not beside them

Facility Information list

The list is not in the correct order. The order should be Imaging Provider Information Professional Qualifications Professional Oversight Policies & Procedures Quality & Patient Safety

facilities page

the facilities page is incomplete

Quality & Patient Safety

The answers for the question “Does the final report include approval of the interpreting physician upon final review of the report after dictation is transcribed by a transcriptionist?” in the Quality & Patient Safety tab are resented in a different order then the rest of the questions, this could throw people off seeing as “no” is not the first answer instead of “yes”

Finishing a section

Once you finish filling out a section after it shows you the success page you should be taken back to where you input information automatically instead of having to find your way back to it.

Image Scanner

When I click to add information to the Image Scanner tab I get a 404 page not found error screen

Page break

When the sections of questions are being broken up the header for the next question is pushed off to the side and has “HTML” written in front of it. This is also the case when additional information is added after a section of questions.

Hidden content

When you are answering the questions you can tell where all of the hidden questions are. This is convenient in making sure that the they appear when needed but a bit of an eye sore when just filling out the questions.